What Can I Do in Pre-AEP Season?

Pre-AEP begins on October 1st and lasts until October 14th. It’s a good thing to know the rules for this timeframe so you don’t have a hold up on your applications. During Pre-AEP, agents are allowed to set appointments, present plan benefits for the upcoming plan year, and leave a paper application with the beneficiary.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what you can and cannot do during this period:

What Are Allowable Activities?

  • Meeting with Clients
  • Assessing their needs
  • Reviewing plan changes and new 2021 plan options
  • Full Sales Presentations
  • Plan Recommendations

What Can I Not Do in Pre-AEP?

  • Solicit/accept enrollment applications

If you’re unsure what it is you can and cannot do, please reach out to your Broker Sales Specialist and they can make sure you stay compliant!