Short Term/Recovery Care

UIG is contracted with over 55 of local and national carriers offering plans to meet your client’s needs. For a full list of products and carriers, please visit our Products and Carriers page.

Aetna’s recovery plan can help your clients plan now for the level of care and comfort they may need in case of an accident or illness that requires assistance and care during their recovery.

Guarantee Trust Life’s short term care insurance products are designed to help protect your clients from the high and increasing costs of needing short-term care at home or in a nursing home.

AARP Short-Term Care Insurance from Medico can help ease out-of-pocket costs when care is needed. And if your client’s circumstances change, coverage allows them to switch between care options, so they receive the appropriate level of care for their situation.

Short-Term Recovery Care insurance, also known as convalescent care insurance or short-term nursing facility insurance, helps manage the cost of temporary stays in a nursing facility. For some, Short-term Recovery Care can be an affordable alternative to long-term care insurance.