Medicare Insurance Agent Appointment Guide
When meeting with clients, you want to get the most out of the appointment while you’re with them. But, do you have the right tools to help you accomplish this? UIG has developed a Medicare Insurance Agent Appointment Guide to help you stay on track, and make sure you collect the information you need to offer your clients the best plans and coverage for their unique situation.
Knowing what information to gather is sometimes the hard part, or maybe it’s the organization part of it? Don’t worry, we have a solution for this. The Medicare Insurance Agent Appointment Guide will walk you through the entire appointment, from the Client Fact-Finding Appointment Worksheet, all the way to the Medical Insurance Comparison worksheet. The information you gather in your appointment while using these worksheets will help you when quoting and enrolling your client in the perfect plan for them, and can open up doors for other gaps in their insurance coverage you may be able to fill.
This guide includes the following worksheets – to either print at home or fill out online:
- Client Fact Finding Worksheet – to keep track of client basic information
- Out-of-Pocket Cost Assessment Worksheet – fillable questionnaire for clients for ancillary product research/discovery
- Hospital Indemnity Worksheet – interactive document to show current out-of-pocket costs vs what a hospital indemnity plan may cover
- Medical Insurance Comparison Worksheet – interactive document to show what they pay now in total
If you need the extra help in asking the right questions, and organizing your discoveries, and would like a customized copy of these documents, please reach out to us via [email protected], include your name, phone number, email address, and what state you are from, and we’ll get these in your hands before your next appointment!