It’s That Time of Year Again…Annual Certifications!

I don’t know about you, but certification season comes up before I realize it every year! It’s common for agents to complain about all the certifications and training we need to do, but if you think about it, it’s really not that much when weighed against our great career as a result!
First Stop, Medicare Certification!
The 2025 Medicare certifications are usually open by the 3rd week of June.
I am going to review the most common sites.
First up, AHIP:
- This certification is the most widely recognized and accepted in the industry.
- Cost ranges from $125.00 – $175.00. If you are appointed with a carrier, you can get $50 off
- Six CE credits are available for a fee. They are well worth it. You can accomplish two goals with one effort.
- Need a passing grade of 90%, with three attempts to pass.
- Returning agents are fortunate enough to skip over the first three modules and only take the quizzes at the end of those modules.
Next Up, NABIP:
- Many carriers accept this certification, but not all.
- Cost is $100.00
- 8 CE credits are available at no cost
- Need a passing grade of 85%, with six attempts to pass
- The modules can “time out “on you, counting as an attempt.
Last Up, Pinpoint Global:
- Many carriers do not accept this certification
- Cost is $99.95
- CE credits offered
- Need a passing score of 85%, with unlimited attempts to pass.
Second Stop, Carrier Certifications
- Carrier certifications start becoming available in July, August, and September.
Some carriers will offer in-person training, which is great if you want to ask questions and converse with the carrier rep and other agents in your industry. You can also elect to take your certifications virtually. Once you have attended the In-person or Virtual training, you take the online certification or test. Some carriers have modules you listen to or read through, while others require an additional test.
It is important to keep track of your 2025 Ready To Sell Status. I recommend creating a spreadsheet. You must also visit each carrier site to see if they have given you the RTS ( Ready To Sell) status. If you are a UIG agent, we can access the carrier certifications and send you a screenshot of which ones are completed.
Third Stop: Supplies
In addition to certifications, you must ensure you have all the necessary supplies for 2025. Watching carrier sites for material availability is crucial. Some carriers may even send a starter supply kit once your certification is complete.
In conclusion, annual certifications and preparations for the upcoming year are vital tasks for insurance agents. Staying updated and compliant ensures that you can continue to provide valuable assistance to your clients. Now, more than ever, our clients need us. CMS has issued numerous changes across various areas. Disruption creates opportunities, so become the expert your clients deserve and need. Don’t Wait until the last minute! Our UIG reps are also Medicare licensed and certified. Reach out to us if you need guidance. If this is your first time taking these certifications, chatting with us BEFORE you attempt the testing is a good idea. We can offer you our best tips on passing!
It’s going to be an exciting year—I can’t wait! If you need additional support this year, please get in touch with the UIG Brokerage Team at (800) 878-1058, ext. 1380. We take great pride in helping agents succeed!
Written by: Linda Isbell, Broker Sales Specialist