6 Reasons for Voluntary Benefits

Do your clients know about the benefit of voluntary benefits? Do they know having these benefits can help save them from a financial disaster? Putting the right information in front of your clients, and explaining scenarios where this kind of benefit could save them is your job as an agent.

As their agent, it’s important to understand why these benefits are so valuable to your clients, regardless of age. We all know accidents and health issues can happen to people of all ages.

Voluntary benefits cover many things that regular health coverage does not cover:

  • They cover high medical deductibles and added needs
  • These benefits can be for an individual or for the whole family
  • They are portable, have no network, and are not connected to health insurance
  • Lump sum benefits received can be used for anything, even if it’s not medical
  • Plans can be customized to fit their needs
  • Enables them to not withdraw from savings or retirement accounts

It’s not your job to assume a client cannot afford the extra benefits, like voluntary benefits. It’s for them to decide if the monthly fees for these policies outweigh the risk of the financial burden they could potentially face, or even the burden they could leave their family with. Helping them understand exactly what these can cover, and even what they can do with the money will help you sell these policies to keep them financially stable in the case of a medical occurrence.

We’ve put together a flyer, for appointed UIG agents, to use that may help explain to your clients how these benefits can work for them. We can customize this flyer with your name, logo, phone number and email address. Agents may use these flyers to add into their Medicare packets they give to clients, leave at Senior Centers or Community Centers, or even send in the mail with other ancillary product information.

If you’re not appointed with UIG with at least one carrier, please contact our Brokerage Sales Team, they can walk you through the benefits of working with us and can get you appointed so you may take advantage of all that UIG offers agents.